Membership Application
The Friends of Haleakala National Park
e ho'omalu ia Haleakala
We support and watch over the Park and its surrounding ecosystems.
Education - Culture - Research - Service Activities
Name: ___________________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________
I want to help protect Haleakala National Park and its ecosystems. That's why I'm enclosing my tax-deductible contribution of:
__ $15 __$25 _$35 __$50 __$100 __$500 __$1000 __other $_______
___ I would like to volunteer
___ I would like more information about the FRIENDS
Please phone me! Phone #(s):
Days: ___________________ Evenings: _________________
Please return your check made payable to FHNP and this form to:
Friends of Haleakala National Park, Inc.
P.O. Box 322 · Makawao, HI 96768 USA
Please make copies of this form and
give them to your friends and colleagues.
Matt Wordeman (808)876-1673.