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Three 2024 graduates of Maui high schools are awardees of the 2024 Friends of Haleakalā National Park’s Memorial Scholarship. Emmi-Lin Felten of Kamehameha Schools Maui, Nyla Mullen of King Kekaulike High School, and Lucia McKinnon of Seabury Hall will each receive $1,000 as they begin working on degrees related to the study and preservation of the natural environment. Felten will attend Pacific University Oregon, Mullen the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, and McKinnon the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Nyla Mullen has been backpacking in Haleakalā Crater and the mountains of California for most of her life. She wrote, “Many experiences growing up have given me reasons to love the natural world as well as respect it. I’ve been looking into the possibilities of working at a national park because so many interests have sparked from visiting Haleakalā National Park since I was young.”

Bee-keeping, banding ‘Ua’u chicks, landscaping with the Maui Seabird Recovery Project to protect Ohia trees as well as helping at the Maui Ocean Center with in-water green sea turtle rescues are some of the experiences that have been influential in leading Lucia McKinnon to say, “I aspire to conduct research and lead local efforts to conserve our native wildlife.”

Emmi-Lin Felten majored in Kamehameha Maui’s Environmental Science Academy where, among other studies, she was able to do research on the effects of invasive species on local flora and the development of sustainable agricultural techniques. She hopes to “to pursue a career where I can influence meaningful conservation efforts and policy development to protect our natural heritage.”

Emmi-Lin Felten

Lucia McKinnon

Nyla Mullen

The Friends of Haleakalā National Park Scholarship annually honors three founders of the organization and heroes of conservation on the mountain, Don Reeser, Mary Evanson and Dr. Fern Duvall, with scholarships for young people entering or continuing studies that will contribute to the knowledge and preservation of natural, and particularly of endangered, ecosystems.

First Tuesday Nursery Days 
Volunteers will help park horticulturist with jobs involving caring for the rare, endemic plants being propagated, such as transplanting, weeding, cleaning and preparing seeds for storage or planting, and some pot washing.  The park recycles pots which have to be carefully cleaned to prevent the spread of plant diseases. There may sometimes be some out planting, but most of the service work is done inside, and participants can drive up to the location of the work.  The workday is 9:00 to noon the first Tuesday of each month.    To sign up or to learn more,  please see the Service Trip page on this website.   
You must register to participate. 


FHNP will discontinue sending gifts to those who adopt-a-nene once the current stock is exhausted.  Nene updates will also be discontinued.  We will endeavor to continue sending adoption papers upon request when you adopt a nene.    Please excuse any confusion while we update our website, newsletter and marketing materials.

Wear Your Love of Haleakalā NP

Friends of Haleakalā branded shirts and hooded pull-overs are available for purchase via on-line seller bonfire.  Profits from the sale of these items help support the FHNP and our mission.   These quality shirts sport a beautiful design of nēnē overlooking the Park, created by talented local artist and FHNP board member,  Maggie Sutrov.   They are available in several colors and styles and sizes.  Purchase one for yourself, and maybe one for everyone on your holiday gift list.  

Order your now at    


The general purpose of the FRIENDS OF HALEAKALA NATIONAL PARK, INC., a Hawai'i non-profit corporation, is to support educational, cultural, research, and service activities relating to the park and its ecosystems.


The mission of the Friends of Haleakala National Park  is to assist the park and the National Park Service to achieve the purposes and goals for which they were established: to preserve Haleakala's unique ecosystems, scenic character, and associated Native Hawaiian cultural and spiritual resources. The Friends  also provide educational, inspirational, and recreational opportunities compatible with preserving the many natural, cultural, and spiritual resources of Haleakala so as to leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.

Directors & Officers

Elizabeth Speith, President
Peter Conmy, Vice President|
Laura Miller, Vice President
Matt Wordeman, Treasurer
Andy Fox, Director
Mike Jacob, Director
Kiope Raymond, Director 
Mary Santa Maria, Director
Mele Stokesberry, Secretary

 Advisory Board
Martha E. Martin

Friends of Haleakala National Park
P.O. Box 322 ~ Makawao, HI 96768
(808) 264-4757 ~